Why don’t you want me?
Am I really that bad?
That unwanted?
That boring?
Don’t you see
All the good I can do
If you open your eyes
To change
To spoken word
To Instapoetry
To rap music
To a breath of fresh air
No more war poems
No more white old men
Interrupting our experiences
Our ordinary lives
Which remain unheard
Hidden away
Not worthy
Never studied
Yet still we write
With passion in our heart
And adrenaline in our veins
Pouring our lives onto a page
A scrap napkin
Our phones notes section
The back of our hand
A messy notebook
Words of lust and loss
Mourning over change
Infatuated by love
Seeking solace in our words
An outlet
For our emotions
Striving to destroy
Our happy lives
You need me
Though you don’t realise
Don’t appreciate
Fail to acknowledge
Don’t you see
What will happen
In five years
In ten
Without this creativity
An empty world
Sad, dark, scary
I can help you
If you let me
Give me a chance
To change a life
With relatability
Of normal lives
Everyday experiences
Youthful and new
One more chance
To prove my worth
Poetry moves on
And you must too