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Jun 16, 20214 min read
Why forever chemicals aren’t going away
By Jennifer Sizeland In 1998, a U.S. lawyer called Robert Bilott discovered a truly shocking secret while investigating a lawsuit in...
Apr 22, 20215 min read
It’s not easy being green – but here are some ways to start this earth day
By Abbie McGrath | Rehabilitating Earth In an age where supermarkets wrap bananas in plastic, being eco-friendly can seem like a...
Apr 19, 20215 min read
The City of Light pollution: Paris’s parkour climate activists
By Alice O’Connell In 2013 French legislators introduced a law requiring stores and office buildings to turn off their signs an hour...
Apr 15, 20214 min read
To be or not to be… That is the climate change question?
By Toryn Whitehead | Rehabilitating Earth 1.5°C may not sound like a lot, but more frequent and extreme weather events such as flooding,...
Apr 8, 20214 min read
Bottom Trawling: What do Paloma Faith, Brexit and granite boulders have in common?
By Amie Williams | Rehabilitating Earth Industrial bottom trawling is an extremely efficient method of fishing, yet it completely...
Apr 3, 20215 min read
The Evil Twin of Climate Change
By Natalie Burnett | Rehabilitating Earth The acidification of our oceans has been increasing for over two centuries and continues to...
Apr 1, 20215 min read
Why Climate Change is a Feminist issue
By Samira Rauner At least since 2018, when Greta Thunberg began the global strike movement ‘Fridays for Future’ and Extinction Rebellion...
Mar 20, 20214 min read
Not another COVID-19 Variant?! – How viruses evolve and why it’s so difficult to kill them
By Anna Staddon A new COVID-19 variant has been identified in the UK, similar to the South African strain that officials have been...
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