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Artwork | Seeking solace by painting pictures by Cierra G. Rowe

Cierra G. Rowe is a fine artist from rural Kentucky. Her zeal for painting blossomed during adolescence and has, since then, continued to serve as her lighthouse through the fog.

Painting has encouraged me to embrace my history, identity and experiences. It serves as a path towards finding balance through the uncertainty. Within my artwork I am able to share where I come from, while expressing how I feel without fear of being misunderstood.

Greedy Lickle Boy

A painting fueled by loyalty, ‘Greedy Lickle Boy’ is an homage to holding onto the things that you care about, regardless of disapproval.

Artwork | Seeking solace by painting pictures by Cierra G. Rowe

Cierra G. Rowe

Illumination, Light’ & ‘Illumination, Dark

Do we view ourselves through our eyes or through the eyes of others? These paintings are portraits of being human, they strip away self-imposed divisions and attempt to find the real identities underneath. Tensions involving race, sex, politics and class all influenced this piece.

Artwork | Seeking solace by painting pictures by Cierra G. Rowe

Cierra G. Rowe

Artwork | Seeking solace by painting pictures by Cierra G. Rowe

Cierra G. Rowe

Passion Dust

‘Passion Dust’ is a tribute to shedding insecurity. One grows tired of wallowing in the shadows. This piece is a reminder that regardless of reception, you should embrace who you are and treat yourself well.

Anxiously Awaiting…

Having fought anxiety tooth and nail for many years, I have only recently concluded that conquering it is possible. ‘Anxiously Awaiting…’ echoes my perturbed struggle with subduing anxiety.

The Adamantly Evil Tree

The Genesis story of Adam and Eve paired with my curiosity of Christianity were the driving forces behind this painting. When you are raised in the bible belt, you learn to fear without question. Within this painting I ask the questions that I was forbidden to ask as a young girl.

Artwork | Seeking solace by painting pictures by Cierra G. Rowe

Cierra G. Rowe


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